• Stay home if you are sick, contact your therapist to set up a telehealth session instead of your in person session or reschedule. 
  • Do not bring anyone with you that will not be part of the session.
  • Office seating in the waiting room and therapy rooms has been arranged for appropriate physical distancing. 
  • Therapists, office staff and clients must wear masks in common areas.
  • Therapists, office staff, and clients must maintain safe distancing. 
  • Restroom soap dispensers are maintained, and everyone is encouraged to wash their hands. 
  • Hand sanitizer that contains 70% alcohol is available in the therapy rooms, the waiting room and at the reception counter.
  • We ask all patients to wait in their cars or outside until their appointment times. 
  • Credit card pads, pens and other areas that are commonly touched are thoroughly sanitized after each use. 
  • Physical contact is not permitted.
  • Tissues and trash bins are easily accessed. Trash is disposed of on a frequent basis. 
  • Common areas are thoroughly disinfected at the end of each day.

The Kennedy Center for Counseling is taking the following precautions to protect our clients and help slow the spread of the Coronaviris.

Call Us:  815-320-3749

Office Safety Precautions in Effect During the Pandemic